my sentiments exactly

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Third Deadly Sin: The Gushy Couple

Love is a beautiful thing. Sometime you feel like you want the world to know how much you are in love. I fully understand this, but there are some things I've seen that I REALLY can't stand.

First example: This is a posting from a girl I have on my friends list, to her boyfriend. Keep in mind this was written on his wall, which then shows up in all her friend's news feed:

"Hey baby! I love you sooooo much. I can't believe it's been three years already. Every day with you just gets better and better. I don't know what I would do without you! You are my reason for living. I can't wait to celebrate our anniversary tonight in the lover's suite. I love you sooo much baby, see you tonight, I can't wait."

It's pretty obvious that this is overkill. I think most rational people will agree with me, that there is simply no need for this much gush. We really don't want to know how great your "special" night together is going to be. This type of message is more suitable for a private message, or a text message, or an e mail, or a phone call. When people post stuff like this, they are instantly written off in my head as attention-seeking and pathetic and it becomes hard for me to take you seriously ever again.

To add insult to injury, on the same day this message was posted on Facebook, they began treating us all to photo updates from their night together. Pictures of them kissing in bed ( in sepia tones of course, it just makes it look so much more romantic than normal colour photos) began to appear in my news feed. Puke.

Lovers, keep those hormones under control. No one really cares that much anyways.

1 comment:

  1. I TOTALLY agree !! Most of the time when I see it ... I am like you live with the guy ... can't you just tell him how much you love him when you get home?? Or call them ??? Or text them ?? Communication on Facebook (besides the occasional comment on a picture) should be saved for friends that live far away or that you don't want to talk on the phone to ... not boyfriends and girlfriends who you live with !!!
