my sentiments exactly

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Second Deadly Sin: The Attention Whore

This is a big one.

We all know a Facebook attention whore. It's an umbrella term for the user who seeks online attention and affirmation from their Facebook friends.

While in some ways everyone who owns a Facebook account is seeking attention to a certain degree, there are some people who cross the line as to what is normal Facebook activity.

Exhibit A: The "hot" girl who posts an album entitled, "Just Me"- where every picture is in fact, just her. Just her making a fool of herself, but of course she doesn't realize this. Every picture is carefully crafted to ensure her kissy pout is just right and that her tight shirt shows just the right amount of cleavage. She is usually posing in front of a mirror. 60 shots later, the album is complete- there may be various outfit changes or quick make-up touches, but this is the extent of the album.

While this in itself isn't the most offensive thing one can put on Facebook, it's the captions beneath said photos that really irk me. For example, take the kissy face photo. Why do girls have to write, " I don't really know what I'm doing" as a caption- it's as if this excuses the ridiculously pretentious behaviour. We all know you're intentions here- it's to look hot and to get your friends to tell you how hot you are- so at least own up to that.

I've also had some friends who like to advertise how awesome and crazy their Saturday nights are as their status updates. The one I read not too long ago was, " OMG LAST NITE WAS SOO CRAZY- DID THAT REALLY JUST HAPPEN? LIKE, WTF- WHO DOES THAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN TO???"

Ughh. If you had a fun night with your friends, just say so. We all know you're BEGGING for people to ask you why your night was sooooo crazy- and then, when we do ask you, you never reply. SOOO ANNOYING.

So why does this all matter? Why should I care about what other people choose to do with their Facebook profile? Well, stay tuned for my next blog post, because it will explain a little thing called personal branding. Whether you realize it or not, your Facebook is adding to your brand image and how other people see you- and believe me, this matters.